What is A CNC Machining Center and Its Functions?

CNC machining center is a kind of CNC machine tool with complete functions. It integrates the functions of milling, boring, drilling, tapping and thread cutting on one equipment, so that it has a variety of process means.
In addition, CNC machining center is a high-efficiency and high-precision CNC machine tool. The workpiece can be processed in multiple processes in one clamping. At the same time, it is equipped with a tool library and an automatic tool change function. These rich functions of machining center determine the complexity of machining center programming.
CNC machining center is one of the most widely used CNC machine tools with the highest output in the world, favored by Chinese CNC machining manufacturers as a good partner for precision custom CNC machining components.
How does a CNC machining center work?
1、Open the electric gate
Up to trigger the closing gate, do not use wet hands to operate.
2、Open the air compressor
Turn on the emergency stop button (big red key), press the green key ON, when the pressure of the air tank is lower than the lower limit, the air compressor will emit a "buzzing" sound, open the air tank valve (parallel to the pipeline), confirm that the air filter dryer open; machine tools to open before confirming that the air compressor is in working condition, the air tank air pressure Enough, about, to prevent insufficient air pressure machine tool robot arm tool change failure.
3、Machine tool start-up
Turn on the machine power switch (located on the side or back of the machine sheet metal), from OFF to ON; turn on the machine panel emergency stop button (big red key), turn on the operating system panel power button (green key, located above the emergency stop), turn on the work light, MODE knob to "home return ZRN", the implementation of +Z +X +Y three axis Home return, pay attention to whether there are elevated objects in the machine tool, to avoid collisions.
4、Point check
Watch the cutting fluid tank level, lubricating oil tank level is close to the lower limit, insufficient immediately added to prevent dry cutting and alarm occurrence in processing; always clean the spindle taper hole and tool handle taper shank.
5、Review drawings
According to the production scheduling, obtain the drawing, open the software in the computer, open the UG program corresponding to the drawing (the program name is usually named as the name of the workpiece or the drawing number, placed in the position of desktop → 2017 → 2017 program → month, communicate with the programmer when you can't find it), clear processing station, processing process, clamping method, size requirements, tool specifications, effective tool length and extension length, etc. Usually learn more about the meaning of labeling symbols and related terms in drawings.
6、Incoming material confirmation
Distinguish the material, quantity, length, width, height (thickness) size and allowance of the parts or blanks to be processed before clamping, do not use the wrong material; check the appearance for defects.
CNC machining manufacturer according to the type of workpiece using files, scrapers, oil stones, or metalworking knife blade, etc. to remove the workpiece burrs and bruises clean, flat, according to the programming process for clamping, general clamping methods using pressure plate pressure, process hole screw locking, vise clamping, homemade tooling clamping, magnetic platform adsorption (limited to steel parts), vacuum suction cup adsorption, pneumatic clamps, etc., clamping attention to avoid pressure plate, screws and other interference, vise clamping attention Program milling depth, to prevent milling injury jaws. According to the type of workpiece and requirements, the clamping should be installed flat and correct workpiece, use a micrometer to correct. Pay attention to the clamping direction, and use an oil-based color pen to mark before clamping, this can ensure the accuracy of CNC machining components.
Development trend of CNC machining center
CNC machining center is one of the indispensable machines in the manufacturing industry. After these years of development. At present, increase the cutting amount Increasing the cutting speed, feed and back draft can shorten the basic time, but the cutting amount is limited by the tool durability and machine power, process system rigidity, etc. With the emergence of new tool materials, cutting speed has been rapidly improved, the current cutting speed of carbide turning tools can reach 200m/min, ceramic tools cutting speed of 500m/min. In recent years, the emergence of polycrystalline artificial diamond and polycrystalline cubic boron nitride cutting tools cutting ordinary steel cutting speed of 900m/min.
cnc machining china In grinding, the trend in recent years is the development of high-speed grinding and powerful grinding. The domestic production of high-speed grinding machines and grinding wheel grinding speed has reached 60m / s, foreign countries have reached 90 ~ 120m / s; strong grinding depth of cut has reached 6 ~ 12mm, thus greatly increasing productivity.
What are the advantages of CNC Machining Center?
In the mechanical processing industry, machining accuracy often determines the quality of machined parts to a large extent, and CNC machining center itself is a highly demanding processing means, which can achieve better results than traditional processing methods, and has many advantages that other processing methods do not have.
At present, the main advantages of CNC machining centers are as follows:
Simplify the program of CNC machining components
①Massively reduce the number of tooling, processing the shape of complex parts do not require complex tooling. If you want to change the shape and size of the parts, you only need to modify the parts processing program, suitable for new product development and reshaping.
Ensure the stability of CCNC machining components
②Stable machining quality, high machining accuracy, high repeatability, China CNC machining manufacturer custom CNC machining components adapt to the processing requirements of the aircraft.
Save time
③Multi-species, small batch production under high productivity, can reduce production preparation, machine tool adjustment and process inspection time, and due to the use of the best cutting volume and reduce the cutting time.
Solve complex CNC machining components
④It can process the complex surface which is difficult to process by conventional method, and even process some unobservable CNC machining components.