Micro Machining Service: Pushing the Boundaries of Manufacturing

Complex designing of products requires special kind of processing. Industry has found a solution for the manufacturing of very small products. The process is called micro machining in which very tiny products are manufactured using advanced technologies. This is a relatively new manufacturing process as compared to other CNC machining processes. This process is highly used by engineers and biomechanics to recreate processes by micro machining. This era is very mixed engineering era by the advancement in the education field.
Now a biologist can do the engineering task by acquiring specific knowledge through Bio Engineering. Similarly a chemical expert can become an expert of biology related tasks by studying in the field of Bio Chemistry. This article is a complete guide to tell the world that now every manufacturing process is in the reach of engineering. The difference between various fields of engineering, medical and industry is decreasing day by day. Micro machining is one of the reasons behind all this.
The complexity of the design has bound the tooling and machining. Functionality of manufacturing equipments has increased as new dimensions in 5-axis machining is developed and extensively used. Swiss machining making it easier to manufacture parts from high temperature alloys, stainless steel and other harder materials. Use of 3D printing is increased in medical and surgery field for all kinds of OEM customers.
Article Contents
The Difference Between Conventional Machining and Micro Machining
Pros and Cons of Micro Machining
Why Choose Tuofa for Micro Machining Servcie
What is Micro Machining?
Micro machining is a mechanical manufacturing process which uses variable mechanical micro tools with geometrically defined cutting ends. All the devices which have some micro meter length range parts, this process helps to manufacture that parts with quality and high precision. A micro meter is equal to 1*10^-6 m and smallest human chromosome is approximately have 10 micro meter length. So these machines are highly capable of working with these smallest dimensions. This process enables engineers to produce intricate and very tiny parts with ease and precision.
The experiments carried out at large scale workspace up to very tiny scale. Micro fluids are one of the major examples of benefits of micro machining. Polymers, hard metals, alloys and metals are some of the materials used in micro machining. The main drawback of using these elements is that they can be use only one time. Extremely precise tools are used in micro machining through which close tolerances and intricate manufacturing of very tiny parts can be done.
The Difference Between Conventional Machining and Micro Machining
Human or manually operated machining process is termed as Conventional or traditional machining. Where fully automatic or semi automatic operated machining process for very small products is called micro machining. Both have some differences with each other. It can be said that traditional machining is less used now as compared to micro machining using CNC machines. Some of the major differences between conventional and micro machining are listed below:
Cost and labor
Traditional machining requires a lot of labors hence it requires higher cost for its completion. While in micro machining, it requires less or no labor. That is why it is a cost effective solution.
Skill & experience
For part quality in manufacturing traditionally experience person is essential. But due to high computer use and automation micro machining requires very less experience for working.
Experience matters when ever replication of design or finished products is required. Still with experience it is quite difficult to produce same quality throughout the batch. While with CNC micro machining replication of any large or small parts can be done easily.
Human can make large scale production in any company. But the reason is when you are manually doing production of parts the chances of error increased. But in micro machining machine only once have to be set according to the CAD design and it will produce as many as you need in a day.
Micro Machining Servcie Type
Micro machining is used to create very small products with high precision in many industries. This process provides services for a lot of machining products. It is used to perform highly accurate machining to very intricate parts using advance technologies and very close tolerances. The processes that are performed during the manufacturing of micro machining parts are as follows:
- CNC Screw machining
- Micro machining CNC
- Micro precision components
- Micro precision machining
- Micro CNC milling machine
- Drilling
- Micro machine turning
- CNC Swiss machining
- Laser machining
- EDM or Electric Discharge machining
- Photo chemical machining
For the manufacturing of gears, fixture and jigs, micro machining is used to provide precise and high quality in these products. Tool and die production and forging and casting machining are also done with the help of CNC micro machining. The detail of CNC micro machining services are provided as follows:
Micro CNC machining
CNC micro machining used to manufacture high quality solution to the problems of the customer. Micro machining of very small parts used for some specific purpose are manufactured with the help of Computer numeric control (CNC) machines. The processes involved in this can be micro turning, micro milling or micro drilling.
In micro fluids very small channels are manufactured for the fluids flow. Similarly waves of very high frequency travel in a very small wave guider (which is manufactured by micro machining). Fiber optics has very close tolerance and they are also manufactured by micro machining. Semiconductors and electronics equipments are also very minute and manufactured by using micro machining. All these examples show that CNC micro machining is the best process for manufacturing all these components and parts with precision.
The success of CNC micro machining in industry depends on a number of factors. Some of the main factors that affect the success of micro machining process are:
- Minimal run out time
- Care for cutting and deflection forces
- High spindle RPMS
- Precision and accuracy
- Care for feed rates and chip loads
- Software
- Good inspection
Micro electrical discharge machining
EDM or electrical discharge machining is also a key process involves micro machining. It is a non contact manufacturing process. In this process a spark is projected from the electrode which vaporizes any hardness material. This process will machine parts regardless of their stiffness or hardness. The electrode is placed on an electrically conductive work piece. A die electric fluid which acts as an insulator circulates in it. Very high temperature is produced during this process ranging 14430 to 21600 Celsius. This kind of high temperature is able to erode any parts of the work piece. The operator of CNC rapidly moves the electrode over the work piece. The two key variations of EDM process are:
- Sinker EDM
- Wire EDM
Laser micromachining
This process involves machining of very small parts with the help of laser radiations. This is also called laser micro machining or laser beam micro machining. The scale for micro machining using laser radiations ranges from a few microns to a few hundred microns. His process is best suited to create holes, grooves or pattern. This process is used in processes like micro welding and micro soldering. The main limitation to this process is that it requires very high energy input. CNC operator controls the very fast and accurate device for movement control of the high beam laser radiation. Some of the major laser machining processes involves laser micro drilling, laser micro cutting, laser micro milling laser surface micro structuring and micro marking with laser.
Surface micromachining
Surface micro machining sometimes refer as laser surface micro structuring involves the structuring of the product surfaces. Surface structuring frequently used on a large scale with large surfaces products. But this is also important feature in micro level surface machining. Mostly it use very tightly focused laser beam at fixed part or surface. Sometimes the surfaces are not determined previously and it got the processing during the laser beam striking. Application of examples of surface micro machining are:
- Thin film photovoltaic cells can be optimized for surfaces by laser
- For pistons and cylinders of IC engines laser honing is applied
- Super hydrophobic surfaces are fabricated by microscopic surface structure
- Bonding with adhesives or reinforced plastics surface structure is used.
Micro Machining Process
The process of manufacturing very tiny and small components with the help of CNC machines is called micro machining process. It is very accurate and precise process with advance technology usage.
Precision Machinery
Precision is the main objective when CNC micro machining process is performed on small parts.
Skilled and high quality ensures the precision during manufacturing by using various techniques.
Micro Machining Tooling
The tools used in CNC are adjusted as the job nature requirements. Very sharp and nicely milled tools are used for manufacturing. The tools should be precise enough to manufacture parts as small as 0.003 mm which requires high skill for tooling. Innovative design and geometries requires specialized tools for parts manufacturing.
Micro Machining Techniques
Various numbers of materials can be used in CNC micro machining. The most commonly used materials are polymers, alloys, metals and other hard material. But there is a disadvantage in micro machining process that they can only be use for one time only and cannot be use to replicate. Glass manufacturing is somehow a process in which we can replicate the materials after using once.
High-precision complex shapes
Fabrication of complex shapes using micro machining process is a difficult task to achieve. Lithography, lasers, Electric discharge machining (EDM) and chemical etching are some common process which involves high precision. The shapes and geometries are very complex but they can easily manufacture with CNC micro machining.
Micro Machining Applications
Micro machining applications are gradually increasing as the technology is advancing to its high extent. The fields are enormous in which micro machining is providing its services. Aircrafts, medical devices, military satellites, aerospace, optical equipments, die & tooling, oil & gas, Pharmaceutical and food manufacturing are some of the major industries where micro machining is doing wonders and creating highly precise and accurate parts for mentioned industries.
The components use in aerospace industry should have very high precision. The reason is that they have to work under high pressure and temperature. Micro machining gives them the perfect finish and desired precision.
One of the most vastly growing industries in the world is automotives. The innovation and complex designing are major requirements of the automotive industry. Thus CNC is reliable machining operation for the manufacturing of highly complex geometrical components.
Electronics consumers
Electronics and electrical components are industries where very intricate parts have to be manufactured with precision. Connectors, circuit boards and other electronics devices are very tiny and require a special skill for fabrication. Thus micro machining helps the world to produce such tiny parts for the circuits with extra care.
Medical and Surgery
Medical devices and equipments need very precise and close tolerance in their manufacturing. Similarly surgical parts finishing is very critical as human lives depend on their finish. Close tolerance and high precision parts for medical surgery industry are prepared efficiently using CNC micro machining.
Pros and Cons of Micro Machining
Micro machining requires very skilled labor for manufacturing. There are a lot of advantages using CNC micro machining in industries. And the number of advantages keeps on increasing by the modern day requirements and tooling. But every machining process has some disadvantages as well. But in the case of micro machining it will not be justified to say that it has disadvantages. So we should say that there are some limitations as well when performing CNC micro machining on parts. A table is given below for the benefits and disadvantages of micro machining.
Advantage |
Disadvantages |
Excellent mechanical qualities of final products |
Difficult to implement in large structures |
Dimensional control is fine |
Can be expensive |
very less loss of material |
higher feed rates make machining difficult |
Very small diameters and thicknesses can be achieved easily |
high temperature at tool can make the tool wear |
Why choose Tuofa for micro machining servcie
Shenzhen TUOFA should be given preferences when you need a micro machining expert for your products. The list of reasons for choosing Shenzhen TUOFA Micro machining Co is very large. Their precision machining and CNC micro Milling components are manufactured using high quality equipments. They are the best CNC micro machining manufacturer right now in china. Custom prototyping to complex, custom machining services to precise machining, Shenzhen is highly advanced in every aspect of machining.
There are following reasons why should you prefer Shenzhen TUOFA for micro machining:
- Instant CNC machining parts quotation service
- Machining shops are ISO Certified for precision machining
- It provides complete inspection report according to full dimension
- Strict policy to follow close tolerances for manufacturing
- Low-cost manufacturing techniques
- Very strict in following deadlines for delivery of products.
Microscopic forces and their influence on machining
The forces between two solid objects are termed as microscopic forces. These forces will be higher when the mass of one object is very high. These forces are the main reason that a solid changes into liquid and eventually into gas on heating. They have an influence on machining processes performing at very high temperature like micro machining.
Micro machining requires accuracies range
Micro machining process is associated with achieving high accuracy in manufacturing products. The accuracy range from 1 micro meter to 999 micro meters during micro machining process. this is acquire using CNC precision machining.